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  • Writer's pictureCarl Hiltz

Chapter 10: The Junta's Plot

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

“You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’” (Isaiah 14:13, 14).

As they came closer to the palace where they would meet Theos, the city became more and more crowded. Allen tried to stay close to Gabe but panicked as he frequently lost sight of him. He sighed with relief each time he spotted him again. “I feel like a little kid trying to keep up with his dad,” he shouted to Gabe. Gabe chuckled and continued to lead the way.

As they rounded a busy corner, Allen lost sight of him again. “Where did he go?” he panicked again. “I have to find him!” Because everyone towered above him, Allen couldn’t see very far. He jumped up as high as he could to look around, but it was useless. He scanned the crowd the best he could, but that proved useless too. He thought if he yelled, maybe his friend would hear him. “Gabe! Gabe!”

The noise and jubilation drowned out his cry. He wasn’t sure which way to go, then decided to continue down a side street that looked less busy—but it was a dead end.

“This leads nowhere.” He often found himself talking out loud to himself as it somehow seemed to help. He tried to get a grip on his emotions, but anxiety overwhelmed him. He darted one direction and then another. “It’s no use! I’m just getting more lost!” The crowd thinned out and he found himself walking alone down a path leading to a country setting.

He stopped, he thought he heard something. “Voices, I hear voices!”

Hope came alive. “Maybe whoever this is can help me find my way out of this place.” He rounded a bend in the path and saw a peculiar sight. There was a group of kingdom creatures arguing loudly among themselves. “Wow! This is very unusual. I’ve not heard anything like this since I arrived,” Allen said to himself.

The creature that seemed to be in charge was stunningly beautiful. Allen wasn't sure whether it was a man or a woman. He remembered Gabe sharing with him that in the City of Light there was neither male nor female. However, because he had never seen a woman on earth who looked like most of the creatures here, he just assumed they were all men. On the other hand, he had never seen men on earth appear like these strange creatures either.

“That’s the largest creature I’ve ever seen!” The being wore an elegant robe that was engulfed in brightness. His very presence demanded attention. The others were also very majestic in appearance. He noticed some had wings, others didn’t. He also noticed they were each wearing one of those stunning earrings that reflected brilliant beams of light.

As they seemed to be unaware of Allen’s presence, and fearful of being discovered by these arguing creatures, he quickly moved behind a thick bush. He remained motionless as he listened to their conversation. It became clear that they were unhappy with how the kingdom was being governed. The striking leader narrowed his eyes and jeered, “We’ll take over the City of Light and dethrone Theos. I will rule in His place, and you, my minions, will reign with me.”

Allen felt his heart skip a beat.

Then the leader inquired, “How many others will join our movement?”

One of the others in the junta rubbed his hands together and growled, “We have the whole northern realm with us and many from the other regions as well.”

“This plan will make us the most powerful creatures in the universe. We’ll control the whole of all creation.” The leader threw back his head and roared with laughter. He continued making promises. “The whole cosmos will be ours. We will be worshiped and obeyed by those under our rule.”

Those listening clapped their hands and confessed with great gusto, “We are ready and willing to follow!” A full chorus of acknowledgements broke forth.

Then one of the rebels raised a hand, cupped his ear, and cautioned, “Listen, I hear something! I think someone’s hiding over there.” He waved in Allen's direction.

Allen held his breath, watching and waiting, then—“Run! What am I doing just standing here?”

He darted toward a grove of trees just off the path behind where he was standing. “I can hide behind those trees!” As he tried to run his feet felt as if each one was stuck in a pot of glue. He looked over his shoulder and spotted several of the creatures emerging from the clearing. He reached the first tree. “It’s so huge,” he thought as hope flashed in his mind. “They won’t see me hiding behind it.”

As he attempted to get behind the tree, something startling happened. It was like the experience he had had with the computer screen. As he put his hand on the tree trunk, it went right inside. Next his other hand went in and then in an instant he found himself completely hidden from view, inside the tree. He stood motionless like a statue.

The creatures of the junta galloped on down the path, scouring the woods. They couldn’t see Allen, but he could see them. One leaned up against the very tree Allen was hiding in. Needless to say, Allen closed his eyes and held his breath, paralyzed by fear. “I hope he can’t hear my heart beating!”

As the creature leaned against the tree, Allen heard it say to itself, “This could be trouble.” That didn’t mean a lot to Allen at the time, but later he would see the critical importance of what was happening. Not having any success, the creature soon joined the others as they continued their search of the area, but they were not able to discover Allen’s unexplained, miraculous hiding place.

The leader gave a warning command. “We’re wasting valuable energy. We must finalize the plans for the takeover. Return to our meeting place immediately!”

Allen didn’t move a muscle until he knew the coast was clear. Then he let out a huge sigh of relief when he realized they were gone and he was safe. Then he had a new worry. “How am I ever going to get out of here? I’m trapped.” That familiar feeling of panic and helplessness crept over him.

“Just walk through.” Allen recognized that voice. It was Mike, standing beside the huge tree. When Allen did as Mike instructed, first, his hand, then his feet, and finally his whole body completely emerged.

“Wow! I’m free!” Allen momentarily forgot he was a tough wrestling teenager. He ran toward Mike and collapsed in his strong arms. “Man, it’s good to see you!”

Mike picked him up, swung him around in a circle, and gently dropped him on the ground, then sat down beside him. “I told you I wouldn’t let anything harm you, didn’t I?” Mike slapped Allen on the back again. This was becoming a tradition between them. A high five wouldn’t work standing up because Allen couldn’t reach that high.

Then Allen looked up at Mike and asked thoughtfully, “Who was that?”

“That was Vulpine and his rebel followers.”

Allen’s heart beat harder. “That was Vulpine?”

“That’s him.”

Allen had heard Vulpine’s name many times before, but now he had actually seen him. “That was the chieftain over the Dark Region?” Confusion crowed Allen’s mind.

“That’s who he is,” Mike confirmed out loud.

“Now cut that out, reading my thoughts again!”

“Well, I knew you’d be wondering who they were.” The giant meekly shrugged his shoulders like a kid being scolded by a parent. Allen giggled at the response.

“But how can Vulpine be the ruler over the Dark Region and still be here in the City of Light?”

“Remember the video replay?” Mike cast his familiar smile.

“Yeah,” Allen nodded his head.

“You’re experiencing the replay. You’re seeing what the City of Light was like just before the rebellion took place.”

Allen placed his head in his hands. “Man, my head’s spinning.”

Mike looked up and pointed toward the road. “Look. Here comes Gabe.”

“What happened to you?” Gabe hurried toward them. “I've been looking all over for you, Allen.”

Allen took a deep breath and sighed. “I'm sorry, Gabe, but I just couldn't keep up with you.”

Gabe tilted his head in a way that made Allen feel he was deeply concerned and regretful for what happened.

“It’s okay now. I’m a lot better since you guys are here.”

Gabe apologized for letting him get lost. Allen warmed up to him right away and told him all about what had just happened. The way he listened reinforced his care and concern.

“As frightening as it may be, Allen, it is important for you to understand about the rebellion. It’s equally important that you grasp the difference in the nature of Vulpine and of Theos. I want you to know everything you can about this kingdom.” Gabe draped his arm around Allen’s shoulders. “Now let’s carry on to the palace and the great festival.”

Gabe’s wings fluttered. Instead of walking all the way back to the city, they flew.

“Man, what a cool way to travel!” Allen was convinced that no one back home would ever believe him if he told them what he was experiencing in this new land. That thought triggered several fears. “Will I ever return to my home? Will I ever see my mother, father, sister, and all my friends again?”

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Vol. 1: The Junta

(Carl Hiltz wrote this series and Beth Snodderly is editing it. Feedback requested:

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